Our New Documentation Portal is Now Live

It’s easier than ever to learn how to use and configure our software

At WingArc Australia we want to make it as easy as possible for customers to use our products. In direct response to your feedback, we’ve undertaken a major project to improve our documentation. We’ve completely rewritten many of our existing product manuals to make them more user friendly, easier to navigate and easier to follow.

We’re delighted to announce that our brand new Online Documentation Portal is now up and running at docs.wingarc.com.au.

The portal is your one stop shop for everything you need to know to use our SuperSTAR suite, with all the latest documents gathered together in one place.

This is part of an ongoing project: we will be adding a number of new tutorials and user guides to the site over the coming months.

We’ve also made it easy for you to give us feedback on the documentation: each page has a box at the bottom where you can add your comments. So if there’s something you want to know more about, leave us a comment to let us know.

Our new documentation is for SuperSTAR version 8 only.

If you haven’t upgraded to the latest version of the SuperSTAR suite, why not head over to the portal to read about some of the great new features that we added in this release, and then talk to us about upgrading.

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