SuperSTAR Platform

A Common Platform

Underpinning the SuperSTAR solution set is the SuperSTAR platform, comprising SuperSERVER and SuperCHANNEL, which provides a common platform and database format for all clients. With consistent privacy protection and access control, integrated metadata and fast tabulations across microdata, SuperSERVER powers organisations to better, faster and more secure analysis of their data.

When a superior data load tool is needed, SuperCHANNEL offers key advantages. With branched hierarchy capabilities, survey support and the ability to read from the most popular database formats, SuperCHANNEL is a powerful element in managing your data throughout its lifecycle.

With the SuperSTAR Platform, you are able to transform your data into the proprietary SuperSTAR databases, with their unparalleled capabilities for analysis and dissemination.


Open Standards

Two leading standards, DDI and SDMX, have emerged to enable organisations to seamlessly share and integrate statistical data to make it truly open. The SuperSTAR suite from Space-Time Research supports both SDMX and DDi and has become the preferred choice of many leading organisations around the world for data analysis and dissemination.

Both standards are XML-based and commonly used internationally to describe and easily communicate multi-dimensional data. Information is free and clear of misinterpretation and therefore provides a reliable basis for further aggregation, comparison and analysis.