Online Data Dissemination Panel Discussion

Hear direct from our customers how STR solutions are helping them disseminate their data online.

View the agenda

Weds 5th March 2014
4:00pm/5:00pm – 8:00pm

Register now for the Melbourne Event

Weds 19th March 2014
4:00pm/5:00pm – 8:00pm

Register now for the Canberra Event

Maximising data flexibility in a world of confidentiality and privacy

The last few years have seen an explosion in the volume of statistical information being collected by both government agencies and businesses alike. How can these organisations keep up with the competing pressures to make more and more of this data available online while at the same time respecting their privacy and confidentiality obligations?

Come along to this panel discussion to hear from two organisations who have adopted Space-Time Research technology for online dissemination of their critical data.

  • Understand how our best practice disclosure control solutions make it possible to release unit record data with confidentiality and privacy protection automatically applied.
  • Learn how Space-Time Research tools can unlock the potential of your data, driving insights and analysis.


Optional Extra: Introduction to SuperCROSS for SuperTABLE users

We are also running a session on SuperCROSS immediately prior to the panel discussion in both Melbourne and Canberra.

Are you currently using SuperTABLE, our basic table reader software? Come to this session to hear the benefits of switching to our desktop tabulation and analysis tool, SuperCROSS.

Not only is it much easier to deploy throughout an organisation, you also get full support and access to updates as they are released.

This session is an optional extra: you are welcome to join us at 4:00pm to learn about SuperCROSS, or come along at 5:00pm for the panel discussion.



Rob Battye

Tourism Research Australia

Rod Battye – Manager, National Surveys

Tourism Research Australia (TRA) is the Australian government agency responsible for the international and domestic marketing of Australia as a destination for leisure and business travel. In order to make the right decisions about the best way to promote Australia, it is essential that TRA has access to the right tools for analysing the data they collect from survey results and other research.

TRA have been using Space-Time Research software for a number of years to share their data with various audiences, including Australian schools. Within the organisation they use our SuperCROSS product for internal data dissemination, and are currently looking to implement our cloud-based SuperDataHub solution for online data dissemination.

Rod’s team manages the International and National Visitor Surveys, as well as TRA’s electronic reporting and databases. These include the web-based TRA Online, the student data package, the schools project and TRA’s desktop product CD-MOTA. Rod has over 20 years’ experience in the areas of survey collection, design, management and statistical methods. He has also been working with Space-Time Research products for over 15 years and was the inaugural chairman of the user group.


Sue Stockbridge

Catholic Education Office

Sue Stockbridge – Data Warehousing and Information Systems

The Catholic Education Office (CEO) takes care of the needs of 56 schools in its Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn. Its school system educates 20,590 boys and girls and has 1,308 teachers, all supported by the 80 staff members at CEO.

When CEO were looking for an analytical tool that would allow the user to “answer their own questions” in relation to data, they selected Space-Time Research’s SuperWEB2. Now users have a single web-based system, accessible throughout the organisation, that gives them access to data from a variety of sources all in the one place. They can explore the available data and find the answers to their own questions very easily, using the results to inform their decisions.

Sue has been with CEO for 6 years. Prior to that, she began her career teaching at various schools and colleges in NSW and the ACT, before becoming Technical Adviser to the ACT Board of Senior Secondary Studies, responsible for the production of year 12 certificates and tertiary statements. She is passionate about openness and accessibility of data and how it can assist in teaching and learning processes in schools. SuperWEB2 has helped her achieve her goal of empowering people to access, use and understand data to improve and enhance their work practices.


Cloud Based Data Dissemination

Andrew Naish – Product Architect (SuperDataHub) at Space-Time Research

Traditionally, if commercial and private industries wanted to analyse and disseminate statistics they had to commit to a large capital outlay for data lifecycle management and infrastructure. Additionally the business processes by which official statistics are extracted and disseminated were typically inefficient, costly and required specific expertise.

With the introduction of a cloud-based self-service model, statistics providers now have the opportunity to maintain data sovereignty and security while disseminating to a wider audience much more efficiently, all at a much lower cost.

Andrew is the product architect for SuperDataHub. He has been involved in the development of web based products at Space-Time Research for 7 years. Prior to that he worked for a number of software vendors, including ESRI and Webraska.


Confidentiality and Online Data Dissemination: Best Practice

Nick Cronin – Product Architect (SuperWEB2) at Space-Time Research

There are specific challenges involved in allowing end user access to aggregated, confidential information. How can we maintain individual privacy without restricting the usefulness of data? Space-Time Research has worked in collaboration with government agencies around the world to develop a unique solution that addresses data privacy concerns without compromising the flexibility of a self-service data dissemination system.

This topic is relevant to anyone who needs to disseminate flexible tabulations of data to a public audience while ensuring data confidentiality is protected.

Nick is the product architect for SuperWEB2. He has been involved in development of web based products for Space-Time Research for the last 5 years.



4:00 – 5:00pm Introduction to SuperCROSS for SuperTABLE users (Optional)

Learn about our desktop SuperCROSS application and the benefits of moving from SuperTABLE to a fully supported solution.

This session is an optional extra: you are welcome to join us at 4:00pm to learn about SuperCROSS, or come along at 5:00pm for the panel discussion.

5:00 – 5:30pm Networking Session (Refreshments Provided)
5:30 – 7:30pm Panel Discussion

Panel discussion and presentations followed by Q&A.

You will hear from:

  • Rod Battye – Manager, National Surveys, Tourism Research Australia
  • Sue Stockbridge – Data Warehousing and Information Systems at the Catholic Education Office
  • Andrew Naish – Product Architect (SuperDataHub) at Space-Time Research
  • Nick Cronin – Product Architect (SuperWEB2) at Space-Time Research
7:30 – 8:00pm Networking Session (Refreshments Provided)


Where and When?


Melbourne Session – Weds 5th March 2014
Marriott Hotel
Exhibition Room
Corner Exhibition and Lonsdale Streets
VIC 3000

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Canberra Session – Weds 19th March 2014
Novotel Canberra
Cook and Clarke Rooms
65 Northbourne Ave
ACT 2600

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Melbourne Event

Register now for the Melbourne Event


Canberra Event

Register now for the Canberra Event
