Retailers can save time and money with staff rostering software. What are the key features you should look for when choosing a solution?
How Demand-Driven Rostering Can Save You Time and Money
If you're like most retail businesses, then rostering is probably a major drain on resources. But what information are you using to drive your rostering?
People Counters? Foot Traffic Analytics? How Do I Track In-Store Activity?
People counters? Foot traffic monitoring? What's the best way to track in-store activity?
Boost Sales and Service with a Retail Analytics Platform and Data
Now, more than ever, a comprehensive retail analytics platform (and the right data) is essential to any retail business.
Retail Heat Maps: the Key to Boosted Sales?
Retail heat maps are a powerful tool for helping bricks and mortar retailers to understand in-store shopper activity, but what are they, and how do they work?
A Tale of Two Lockdowns
As Australia struggles to get to grips with its second wave of COVID-19 cases, what's different about this wave?
Victoria: (Not) On The Move
As Melbourne enters another week of its second stage 3 lockdown, how have people's movements changed?
Talking Open Data With CEO Steve Hulse
As CEO of data analytics software company WingArc Australia, Steve Hulse knows a thing or two about the world of data...
What Does Retail After COVID-19 Look Like?
COVID-19 has changed everything. What does it mean for the retail industry as Australia begins its first tentative steps to emerge from lockdown?
How Safe is COVIDSafe?
The Australian Government’s COVIDSafe application hit the Google Play and Apple App stores on Sunday night. Are you confused about how the app works and whether it is safe to install?
COVID-19 By The Numbers
We've built an interactive MotionBoard dashboard to track the COVID-19 pandemic as this ongoing health emergency develops around the world.
Data In The Time of Corona
There are some great resources now available to see the scale of the unprecedented unfolding global health crisis. In this post we round up some of the best data visualisations and dashboards we've found so far.